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Monday, February 14, 2011

What To Do If You Are New to Network Marketing

Probably the best thing you can do is to just start. Take a subject you know really well (in my case, it's dogs :-) ) and start writing articles about it. Create a blog, let people know who you are and what you can do for them. Don't focus on yourself, focus on their problems and how to help them. If you are an introvert, like me, take your courage in your hands and put yourself out there. Sell yourself, not your product.

The hardest step is making yourself start. Once you write that first article/posting, ask your friends and family to give their honest opinion about it online--comment about your blog. If they find it useful, ask them if they know someone it could help and pass the info along. If your blog is monetized (ie, set up for displaying ads) you can post links/ads to your affiliate sites and opportunities (preferably ones with lead capture pages). If they see something they like, let them decide to click on that link, don't push it. Social networking is all about people and our connections to each other, not about selling products.

Getting started in an electronic format makes it easier for us introverts because we don't have to have that first contact with someone new be face to face. It takes a lot of the pressure off. For example, it's how I met my wonderful husband. You can re-invent yourself to a degree, but don't be fake. People absolutely hate fakers and takers.

Good Luck and Good Blogging!
-Stephanie Ray

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Got Mentors?

If you are like many of us, you were brought into your MLM by a sponsor. The difference between a Mentor and a Sponsor is like the difference between heaven and hell, and pretty much for the same reason.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tips on Blog Commenting

Blog Commenting|Hot Blog Commenting Tips Exposed!I found this site while surfing the net.  There is a great article on how to encourage your readers to leave comments by rewarding them with positive feedback, and making it easier to share links to your site.

I signed up at Intense ( for free tracking and management of comments left on my blog sites. This allows me to see who's reading and leaving comments and lets me reward them feedback by also commenting in return on their sites.

Hope this helps :-)

Gryphon (AKA Stephanie)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Learning (or Re-learning) the Ropes

Today I put some time in studying how to make my various businesses more profitable. I found several free resources discussing MLM and how to jump start my Crowd Sourcing International business. The most helpful was about how to set up and write up my profile on social networking sites,

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Perpetual Student

This past week (since the 1st of the year) I signed up with My Lead Systems Pro and Magnetic Marketing training programs and purchased as much of the training materials as I could. As I was reading through the books and listening/looking at the DVD's and downloads, I had a "duh!" moment.